First, a little history...
In January 2009, we launched a design blog called DesignTies. The name came from the fact that although we live on opposite sides of the country - Kelly's in Ottawa and Victoria's in Vancouver - we were tied together by our love of design. Design + Tied Together = DesignTies. Plus what's a few thousand miles between friends anyway :-)
Although blogging together was a blast, a variety of factors led us retiring from writing DesignTies (DT) in the fall of 2010
It was bittersweet leaving DT behind, but for Kelly, the retirement of DT meant the start of a new adventure - the creation of a new blog called JAX does design. Kelly continued to write about her love of design, plus travel, animals, and food. Health and stress issues had been a major factor in Victoria stepping back from DT. But by the Spring of 2011, Victoria committed to a slower posting pace and started writing a new blog called Édin's House.
It was fun and challenging to write a blog without a partner. But even though Kelly found some success with JAX does design, both Kelly and Victoria found that blogging alone just wsn't the same. We needed our side-kick back! After a little back and forth, we decided to relaunch DT together. And now...
DesignTies is back!

We couldn't "slide into our old pair of jeans" though; a new look AND name were in order! Wait. Whoa! But we'd branded ourselves as DesignTies and we were remembered that way by many of our followers. Could we be DesignTies II? Hmmm, kind of awkward.
Then it came to us almost simultaneously = DTTD (our funky little take on DesignTies II). The conceptualizing of our tagline came next. Again, pretty easy... because it's what we'd always done with DT, only we'd never formalized it in our branding before:!
So what is DTTD all about? It's about sharing ideas and helping our readers to achieve your design dreams. Whether you're decorating a room, making over an old piece of furniture, or demo'ing and rebuilding a house, you'll find lots of inspiration here.
And if you can't find what you're looking for in the pages of our blog, please drop us a line so that we can source it out for you.
We hope you'll join us for the ride as we... together